The goal of CAMEO is to continuously evaluate the accuracy and reliability of protein structure prediction servers, e.g. tertiary and quaternary structure prediction, and model quality estimation services in a fully automated manner. We invite all server developers to register their services to CAMEO.


In order to be included in CAMEO, a server must fulfill the following technical requirements:

  • The server accepts models in PDB format and sequences in FASTA (or raw) format as input via a web submission form (e.g. cgi).
  • The service is in continuous operation (24/7), and is able to handle a reasonable number of requests submitted through this interface.
  • The service estimates local model quality in the CAMEO QE prediction format, results are returned by email.
  • It is encouraged that variations of a service should be registered individually, enabling straightforward performance analysis.
  • Coordinates of structures to be evaluated are provided in PDB format, and later in 2014 in the new mmCIF/PDBx standard data exchange format.
    Typically in experimental structural biology, the B-Factor field is used to express the uncertainty of the coordinates (more). Thus, for CAMEO-QE we propose to use the B-Factor field to specify the expected local atomic coordinate of a model. Specifically:
  • Local error estimates should be assigned to all atom coordinate records present in the model
  • Errors should be expressed as positive distance in A between the model atom and the corresponding atom in the reference structure. (Negative values are considered as “non-predictions”)
  • Error estimates should be inserted into the B-factor field (columns 61-66 in PDB format) without changing any other field in the provided model coordinates. (Remarks and other information can be added using the REMARK fields)
  • Please do not change any other part of the ATOM section
CAMEO is a benchmarking experiment. We do not predict protein structures.
Only fill this form if you are the developer of the prediction server you are attempting to register.
You can validate your server here

Administrative Information
Name of the group leader responsible for the service, Address, Institute
Email of the group leader responsible for the service
Responsible for operating the server
Technical Information
Which variable name is used to specify the request title?
Which variable name is used to specify the PDB formatted structure upload?
Which variable name is used to specify the amino acid sequence?
Which variable name is used to specify the email address, to which the results will be sent? Please specify here any additional parameters that should be part of the request, e.g. method=fast&format=new
URL Preview (method:)

By registering your service in CAMEO, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.

Terms and conditions:

  • Liability disclaimer: CAMEO is not responsible for any problems on your server. This includes overloading the system or any other technical problems.
  • CAMEO will publicly display the results of your service in the context of other results and will apply computational tools on the results provided by your server, including, but not limited to, structure and model comparison tools and model quality assessment.
  • CAMEO reserves the right to exclude services with continued technical problems, low availability, or format problems.
  • When publishing any results obtained from the CAMEO server, you agree to cite the appropriate references (see the list on the home page). Evaluation of “private” or “development” servers is provided exclusively for development purposes. You acknowledge that such results can only be published after marking the complete dataset as “public” on CAMEO.
  • Copyright: You confirm that all predictions provided by your server to CAMEO are considered to be provided under the CC BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, i.e. you can copy and redistribute the models in any medium or format, transform and build upon the models for any purpose, even commercially, under the following terms:
    • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. When you publish, patent or distribute results that were fully or partially based on models obtained from CAMEO, please cite the corresponding papers (see below).
    • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
    • No additional restrictions — you may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
    Creative Commons License
    This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
  • Liability disclaimer: The CAMEO service is provided “as is”. In no event shall CAMEO or its developers be liable for any consequential, special, incidental, or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the use of CAMEO or its results.
  • CAMEO may send test queries in regular intervals to monitor the availability and performance of the service.