The vertical bars correspond to the standard deviation of a server for the given time frame (only model-1 data is incorporated). Please refer to the Help section for further details about the assessment procedure.
Target Dataset Composition
Any Easy Medium Hard
Submitted Targets 60 29 29 2
With Homo-oligomer Assessment 22 13 9 0
Submitted Targets with Ligands 19 9 9 1

Total Number of Monomeric Models Assessed: 1323

1-month - [2022-03-25 - 2022-04-16] - "All targets" dataset
Server Name
Avg. response time
Targets Average
Model Confidence (lDDT)
Server Status
#Submitted #Modeled #Submitted
All Modeled All Modeled All Modeled All Modeled All Modeled All Modeled
Naive AlphaFoldDB 100 00:00:43 29 8 22 0 22.6 81.8 20.9 75.8 0.25 0.90 20.6 92.9 - - - - 1 False
PaFold - 29 0 22 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 True
HeliXonAI 72:54:19 29 29 22 0 84.5 84.5 80.5 80.5 0.50 0.50 87.8 87.8 - - - - 0 False
RocketX 33:57:59 29 29 22 0 55.0 55.0 59.0 59.0 0.50 0.50 50.7 50.7 - - - - 0 False
OpenComplex 67:50:52 29 29 22 0 76.4 76.4 74.4 74.4 0.90 0.90 81.7 81.7 - - - - 1 False
SADA 76:48:21 29 29 22 0 84.6 84.6 80.7 80.7 0.71 0.71 88.8 88.8 - - - - 0 False
IntFOLD7 25:52:15 29 28 22 0 78.8 81.6 75.2 77.8 0.80 0.83 81.1 91.3 - - - - 1 False
Robetta - 29 0 22 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 True
ZJUT-DeepAssembly 69:25:27 29 27 22 0 78.3 84.1 74.5 80.0 0.67 0.72 76.1 85.6 - - - - 0 False
MultiDFold 80:53:36 29 22 22 0 43.3 57.1 49.1 64.7 0.54 0.72 36.9 66.3 - - - - 1 False
MEGA-EvoGen 67:38:56 29 29 22 0 84.9 84.9 80.7 80.7 0.70 0.70 86.5 86.5 - - - - 0 False
AIRFold 62:19:02 29 19 22 0 55.7 85.1 53.1 81.1 0.60 0.92 68.4 88.0 - - - - 1 False
Phyre2 01:24:28 29 28 22 0 37.1 38.4 40.9 42.4 0.48 0.50 41.1 41.1 - - - - 1 False
RoseTTAFold 13:07:20 29 28 22 0 67.0 69.4 67.0 69.4 0.83 0.86 61.4 61.4 - - - - 1 False
SWISS-MODEL 00:04:07 29 29 22 17 49.1 49.1 50.3 50.3 0.82 0.82 46.7 46.7 44.6 57.8 62.5 80.8 1 False
RaptorX 11:04:51 29 12 22 0 22.7 54.9 24.6 59.6 0.27 0.64 17.0 76.4 - - - - 0 False
SPARKS-X - 29 0 22 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 True
IntFOLD3-TS 42:31:38 29 25 22 0 45.1 52.3 47.9 55.6 0.74 0.85 42.3 54.4 - - - - 0 False
NaiveBLAST 00:00:15 29 23 22 0 29.5 37.1 29.9 37.7 0.52 0.66 31.4 35.3 - - - - 1 False
IntFOLD4-TS 47:47:54 29 26 22 0 49.1 54.7 51.4 57.3 0.77 0.86 55.6 55.6 - - - - 0 False
PRIMO 02:33:32 29 18 22 0 19.3 31.2 23.6 38.0 0.41 0.67 20.6 30.9 - - - - 0 False
PRIMO_BST_3D 02:38:32 29 17 22 0 17.5 29.8 21.8 37.2 0.37 0.63 19.6 29.4 - - - - 0 False
PRIMO_HHS_3D 02:58:08 29 5 22 0 5.8 33.6 6.9 40.0 0.11 0.64 9.2 82.5 - - - - 0 True
PRIMO_HHS_CL 03:05:01 29 5 22 0 6.2 36.1 7.3 42.4 0.12 0.72 - - - - - - 0 True
PRIMO_BST_CL 02:34:49 29 19 22 0 20.5 31.2 25.1 38.2 0.43 0.66 23.7 30.5 - - - - 0 False
IntFOLD5-TS 30:42:36 29 29 22 0 56.5 56.5 58.6 58.6 0.85 0.85 61.1 61.1 - - - - 1 False
IntFOLD6-TS 26:55:40 29 28 22 0 55.7 57.7 57.0 59.0 0.82 0.85 52.4 59.0 - - - - 1 False
pureAF2_orig 16:55:29 29 27 22 0 78.9 84.7 75.0 80.6 0.86 0.92 68.3 87.9 - - - - 0 False
pureAF2_notemp 21:46:04 29 29 22 0 85.0 85.0 80.8 80.8 0.92 0.92 88.2 88.2 - - - - 0 False
ZlxFold 59:29:52 29 16 22 0 45.1 81.7 43.5 78.8 0.48 0.87 30.9 92.7 - - - - 0 False
BestSingleStructuralTemplate 04:40:53 29 27 22 0 56.3 60.5 57.6 61.9 0.63 0.68 62.2 62.2 - - - - 1 False
Naive AlphaFoldDB 90 00:00:22 29 10 22 0 26.9 78.0 25.2 73.0 0.31 0.89 20.6 92.7 - - - - 1 False