CAMEO is a benchmarking experiment. We do not predict protein structures.
Only fill this form if you are the developer of the prediction server you are attempting to validate.

Before registering your server you can validate the submission mechanisms and prediction format using the form below. Once you submit it, we will submit a target to your server. When you send your prediction back by email, we will analyze it (please allow up to 10 minutes for the process to happen) and inform you of the results by email.

We are checking the following:

  • Your server accepts our submission;
  • We can receive predictions from your server by email;
  • We can parse your email and extract one or more models from it;
  • We can load the model in PDB or mmCIF format.

Learn more about the submission and prediction formats!

We don't currently analyze the contents of the model, such as the residue numbering (which must follow the target sequence), or the presence of the ligand in the correct format.

Contact Information
We will send the validation results to this address.
Technical Information

Submission parameters To submit targets, CAMEO will make an HTTP request to the URL above. In this section you can customize what HTTP parameters (or variable names in CGI terms) will be used to make the request.
Which HTTP parameter should CAMEO use to specify the request or job title? The title is only useful for debugging or tracking purposes. You don't need to do anything with this data.
Which HTTP parameter should CAMEO use to specify the amino acid sequence?
Which HTTP parameter should CAMEO use to specify the DNA sequence?
Leave this field empty if your server cannot model DNA.
Which HTTP parameter should CAMEO use to specify the RNA sequence?
Leave this field empty if your server cannot model RNA.
Which HTTP parameter should CAMEO use to specify the free (non polymer) ligands, aka small molecules?
Leave this field empty if your server cannot model free ligands.
Which HTTP parameter should CAMEO use to specify the email address your server should return the prediction to?
Please specify here any additional parameters that should be part of the request, e.g. method=fast&format=new
Target selection This section allows you to customize which types of targets you would like CAMEO to send to your server.
Does your server support heteromeric targets?
If you select "No", you will only receive monomeric and homo-oligomeric targets containing a single sequence. You will not receive single sequences from hetero-oligomeric targets.
What type of targets would you like to receive?
See the help page for more information about the types of targets that are available.

Submission options Here are a few extra options controlling the details of how the data will be submitted to your server and that you can customize.
Whether you want to receive the sequence in Fasta format (with header/identifier line) or as "bare" strings (for heteromeric submissions, the parameter will be repeated, such as sequence=SEQUENCE1&sequence=SEQUENCE2, to form a list).
Select Unprocessed to receive non-canonical residues in round brackets in the sequence, as in the mmCIF _entity_poly.pdbx_seq_one_letter_code item.
For example, KEGVL(PTR)VGSK indicates a phosphotyrosine at position 6, and would be sent as KEGVLYVGSK in canonical format.
If the server accepts ligands, in which format?
For submissions with multiple ligands, the parameter will be repeated, such as ligand=ATP&ligand=CA, to form a list.
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