All models
52 weeks (2024-03-01 - 2025-02-22
Number of Structural Models: |
Number of high quality residues
(85.23 %)
Number of low quality residues
(14.77 %)
The histogram shows the global quality
(as lDDT global scores) of the structures composing the dataset. Please refer to the
Help section
for further details about the assessment procedure.
Low quality models
52 weeks (2024-03-01 - 2025-02-22)
Number of Structural Models: |
356 |
Number of high quality residues
(11.16 %)
Number of low quality residues
(88.84 %)
The histogram shows the global quality
(as lDDT global scores) of the structures composing the dataset. Please refer to the
Help section
for further details about the assessment procedure.
Medium quality models
52 weeks (2024-03-01 - 2025-02-22)
Number of Structural Models: |
1785 |
Number of high quality residues
(74.44 %)
Number of low quality residues
(25.56 %)
The histogram shows the global quality
(as lDDT global scores) of the structures composing the dataset. Please refer to the
Help section
for further details about the assessment procedure.
High quality models
52 weeks (2024-03-01 - 2025-02-22)
Number of Structural Models: |
2425 |
Number of high quality residues
(96.85 %)
Number of low quality residues
(3.15 %)
The histogram shows the global quality
(as lDDT global scores) of the structures composing the dataset. Please refer to the
Help section
for further details about the assessment procedure.